Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Bio-/Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithms, Multi-objective Optimization, Multi-Agent Systems, Cohort Intelligence, Probability Collectives, Game Theory, Graph Theory, Self-organizing Systems
Dr. Anand Kulkarni
Assistant Professor
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Synthesis of nanomaterials with applications in energy (fuel cells, hydrogen storage, lithium ion batteries), bio-medical and gas-sensing fields, ion irradiation, AFM/STM
Dr. Rupali Nagar
Assistant Professor
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Image processing and analysis of breast mammograms, ultrasound and elastography images. Application in the area of prognosis of breast cancer
Dr. Madhura Ingalhalikar
Associate Professor
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Energy Planning & Modelling, Sustainable Product Design, LCA, DFA, Renewable Energy & Climate Change Model
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Study of Spin Bias in Thin Multilayers, Study of Magnetic and Structural Properties of Alloys Subjected to Defects, Preparation and Characterization of Uniform Size Nanoparticles
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Analytics, Big Data, Internet of Things, Smart Cities, Sustainability, Multiple Intelligence, Knowledge Management, IT Strategy for SMEs
Dr. Vijaykumar Bharathi
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Nanoparticles And Applications In Biological/Plant Systems, Magnetism, Material Science, Green Energy.
Neeru Bhagat
Associate Professor
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Machine learning and data mining extended to diabetic patients, Psychology, road safety, text mining, energy saving, plagiarism (code-cloning) etc.
Dr. Preeti Mulay
Assistant Professor
Scholarly Interest & Expertise: Mobile Computing, Location based Services, Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data Analytics
Dr. Ajey Kumar
Assistant Professor
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Admissions for the MBA program at SIBM-Pune and SCMHRD are closed. Please explore the other MBA programs offered